In spite of our caution many amateurs traders who is not our clients who went long in Banknifty called us today when the market gave them utter shock..!! It really shook many new bee's who doesn't know what is future trading and yet they are greedy to make money.The today market really shook them all.We helped them to extend possible and minimized their loss.
In a spur of the moment the Banknifty fell down sharply from 10600 to 10335.This happened in no time before one blink his eye's/Such a speed like a bullet it fell down.We are here to help many new BEE's and write our preview about the indian market.If one would have diligently follow this blog for last 2 weeks one would have skiped this loss and made a huge profit.We were selling the banknifty right from 10900 and today opening we just place buy in 10468 in no time this order was executed.Made about 440 points in 3 weeks.All our positional client 's made a profit of 100X440= Rs.44,000/- This will happen when one knew how to align their position according to market pulse.
Today, we made good gain in intraday as well.Friday we sold Bn near 10620 and today we covered in 540 level and also made 4 trade and made about 200 points in intraday itself.The positional clients also re-sold in 610 and re-bought at 480 and made another 90+ points.This is what the excellence in "Art of day trading".
I wrote in one of my older post's...
"On the left side nothing is right and on the right side nothing is right"
It became true today. As the Nifty touched the days low of 5182 from days high of 5379.What else to be said....
The indian market is not having the backbone of its own.Hence its dances as per the tunes of the FII's.When they sell the market slide down and when they buy the market moves up.However one is strong enough in Technical & Fundamental Analysis it is not enough.One need to be expert also in the Macro economics.That can only make us to guide better.We simply observe the FII's activity.Last year the FII's invested about 28 Billion dollars in our market and during Nov&Dec-2010 started selling and our market fell down and they started buying during this year Feb-2011 and market gone to 6000 levels..Now past 4 weeks they again selling about 2 billions and now the market sliding...still it may slide down.We expect the Nifty will go's down to 4900 level.
The regulatory authorities (Watch Dog) like SEBI need to have some more measure to control our market and it has to stand on its own backbone..will it happen? This should happen any of this uncertainty due to FII"s buy or sell is not good for our market and our people won't make money than loosing.it is my concern.
In a spur of the moment the Banknifty fell down sharply from 10600 to 10335.This happened in no time before one blink his eye's/Such a speed like a bullet it fell down.We are here to help many new BEE's and write our preview about the indian market.If one would have diligently follow this blog for last 2 weeks one would have skiped this loss and made a huge profit.We were selling the banknifty right from 10900 and today opening we just place buy in 10468 in no time this order was executed.Made about 440 points in 3 weeks.All our positional client 's made a profit of 100X440= Rs.44,000/- This will happen when one knew how to align their position according to market pulse.
Today, we made good gain in intraday as well.Friday we sold Bn near 10620 and today we covered in 540 level and also made 4 trade and made about 200 points in intraday itself.The positional clients also re-sold in 610 and re-bought at 480 and made another 90+ points.This is what the excellence in "Art of day trading".
I wrote in one of my older post's...
"On the left side nothing is right and on the right side nothing is right"
It became true today. As the Nifty touched the days low of 5182 from days high of 5379.What else to be said....
The indian market is not having the backbone of its own.Hence its dances as per the tunes of the FII's.When they sell the market slide down and when they buy the market moves up.However one is strong enough in Technical & Fundamental Analysis it is not enough.One need to be expert also in the Macro economics.That can only make us to guide better.We simply observe the FII's activity.Last year the FII's invested about 28 Billion dollars in our market and during Nov&Dec-2010 started selling and our market fell down and they started buying during this year Feb-2011 and market gone to 6000 levels..Now past 4 weeks they again selling about 2 billions and now the market sliding...still it may slide down.We expect the Nifty will go's down to 4900 level.
The regulatory authorities (Watch Dog) like SEBI need to have some more measure to control our market and it has to stand on its own backbone..will it happen? This should happen any of this uncertainty due to FII"s buy or sell is not good for our market and our people won't make money than loosing.it is my concern.
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