The banknifty opened today in gap down as we stated in FB and from the opening 10750 it zoomed up and traded well in 10840+ level.There on it touched a high of 919 and fell down to 790 level and it again shoot up and crossed the earlier high and touched the day high's during market closing at 10974 and lastly traded in 10970.You can observe the chart above how it shoot up during closing.
The Nifty was today opened weak and th BN supported well to pull it up.The Nifty made a high 5562 from its days low of 5448 level.about 110 point valatality seen but it did'nt brake away the earlier day high like banknifty and lastly traded in 5555.The Nifty shown a running gap of 5485 to 520.This gap may be filled tomorrow.
Today we squared all our position around 210pm as we made conservative trade and gained enough.We did'nt participate the closing jerks.The Net gain In Banknifty Intraday> -18+67+22+28+48+35 points
In our view
The banknifty tomorrow may open flat and may go down near 10780 level.By chance if move above 11018 it may act bullish and go near 11110 level.below 780 it slide down to 10440 level.