The Banknifty future is in its bullish run in last 3 days...Day after day it jumps ahead and closes about 100 points higher..it was in positional sell mode last week and within a day the bear was beaten enough and transformed to bulls power.I am aware there has been any desperate phone calls from many non-clients were asking our advise what to do now...many people were in short position now and the banknifty went aginst many about 700 points!!! now what to do...all i know is curtial you loss by booking profits or roll over position provided if you have enough margin in hand for managing the short fall.The banknifty is moved up by the fund managers and they make it to sustain in this 12900 level.Today it traded very much in side ways and a kind of choppiness seen.
The banknifty future is near 13,000 but some how it is not able to touch the 13000 mark.Every day its move up and create a new life time high and now this rally may touch 13,300 level.The nifty is struck in 6200 levels and unable to make i new life time high..Only the banks and their result performance took it away..The sbi&icici bank results may take it further height.
I wish the traders of banknifty to take positional short/long after 2 nd week..let the market seattle and find its move firm on one side..Now longs and shorts are almost risk wise equal to one another.