Almost everyday we have been sharing all our trades with our readers and most of the trades we do is a success storey...Each day we face the market with a new approach..like how an infant wonder whatever it may encounter..We do the same and approcah the market with a blank slate of mind.So that we can really check and update each and every ongoing pulse or trend of the market.That is what the secret behind all our success's, almost in all trades we may attempt .
Today the intraday sentiments of the mass's are uptrend. but we just think different (Alternative thinking) and waiting for a short at high and succeded in our two attempts.One is at the day high and covered just now at 9508.00.The most important thing here is we did'nt offer SL..'Both the trades were done without stoploss'..and we waited patiantly almost more than 2 hours..without blinking our eyes and we have finally achived our desired Target.All our clients are happy.
No positions on hand...Waiting for a fresh Position like a crane who wait to catch fish on the running water.!!!