Since,yesterday there were many people in orkut and yahoo chat were asking what will be the market tomorrow(i.e, today 15th) and we gave a pre-instruction that market will be down....'If you see the opening above 9500.00 level just go short and no need to maintain any stoploss and the moment you sold it place a buy order at 9466.00 ' and exactly it happened after a little tussle in 9500 range.
Many people ( including Non-Clients) are in profit. A jacpot day for many..of our day traders.When again it touched and crossed 9471.00 level we asked all to buy and place a sell order at 9496.00 and it just clicked within few minutes.Now we have no positions on hand...Wish you a happy hunting.
Around 2.20pm we asked all our paid subscribers to go short in 9456.00 level and we had some network connection problem and asked to book profit in shorts and when we solved our network problem market fell deep down to 9350.00 level.We have predicted the market so well and still due to network problem we were covered our shorts too early.We have missed an addition of 100 points.
Today the market> day high was-9575.25 and the day low was 9330.80.The difference between high to low is 245 points.
We gave a positional sell call from 9760.00 level on wards and a few clients are still holding the positional shorts.Now the notional profit is around 400 points in a weeks time.
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