Today the banknifty opened in 11215 and fell down.we sold around 11200 and place buy at 11116 and bought.we made today almost 6 trades and succeded in 4 and made a net profit of 145+points.The whole of this week we made an average of 65 points each day and over all 5-daysX 65-points=325 points. it is a net gain(only today 2 sl-was hit).We made a very cool trade and sail the ship very smooth.It is our utmost responsibility to lead all our clients bettter whether they are small clients or big .Our prime motto is to make every one to make money with our supports.
Today banknifty in the mid-session shoot up sharply as the panic buying/short covering seen and it brokes all earlier high's and touched a new day's high 11324.But last one hour again it shown weakness and during closing it touched new day's low ie.- 11040. and lastly traded in 11050.
The banknifty almost slided 1000 points about a weeks time and also closed very weak.The nifty also broken the status quo 6000 mark, that is an worring sign.The monday the market players will be in better judgement(as 2 days holidays) of the future direction and what we forsee is a panic selling may be there in the opening that may lead banknifty to 10700 levels.The other possibility is if, move above 11300 there is a mild hope for recovery or else its slide further.