Hi all,Today was Another Successful or fruitful day for us.We have done almost 6 trades and only one stoploss was hit about 10 points and overall we made 185+ points in intraday itself.
The swing between '9694 to 9660' level was great it gave a multiple choices for trading and we have used the minimum(out of 9 chances) and we gained more mileage from a long i.e- Bought @9562.00 and exited in 9665.00 about 103 points in one stroke..
Our people made good money about a lakh and add.Even a small traders who trades only one lot/intraday made about Rs.9000.00.Awesome is'nt it?
We expect you to join in our paid group and enjoy the fruits...visit here for more information - http://bankniftyfuture.blogspot.com/