We have been cautioning all our clients from the last week onwards the market seems to be matured enough and anytime it may fall down so avoid long.Last friday we gave a positional sell call in banknifty and from there on the banknifty future was spilled up about 150 points and few of our clients were nagging us till today, when the market will come down? As per our view it would have gone down on monday...but it some how sustained and stand above 9800+ levels.Yesterday only it was down to 5dma and 400min ema and that shown a possitive sign to our positional shorts...(We wrote it in our yesterday post all this push ups is going to end soon and that has come true today.)But this morning it went up to 9825.00 level and appeared as if, it will go up to 9900 level..As a Technical Analyst we were started selling from 9810.00level onwards and asked all our clients to place buy order at 9683.00 and many were raised their eyebrows, how a market will fall from 9820 level to 9680level ??..Hence we asked them to place many unwillingly placed buy order at 9683.00 and that was bought.Many of our clients are now in a state of over flowing joy...Let the joy spread and let the excitement must be washed in it and mind become pure and blank..so that the tomorrow can be faced with lite heart.
The mind is one of the most beautiful mechanism(Organism) of the world so far no sceintist are not able to create.
"if one mind is in a happy state the entire world appears to him / her a place of heaven; if one is sad,the entire world appears to him/her a place of hell ".
Now where will this fall will end?
We expect the banknifty come down to 9300-400 level soon.
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