We were carring our positional shorts from last 10th onwards.On 10th we posted there is a gap left and that has to be filled ...if it is not filled the market can not consistantly move up and hoping this, we carried our positional shorts. Even today...We hold it. The market were climbed upto 9840 level and we never bothered, Still we are very confident about our technicals and carring our positional shorts.The total notional gain as of now is beyond 500 points and still we expect the banknity will go down to 9200.00levels.
There are two gap up opening's after our positional short and still one gap is unfilled in 9293 to 9395 level in banknifty future.This gap will be filled soon on the coming days and as of now, as per todays technical the market may open in monday gap down or the consequent days it will.
Today we have done 5 time intraday sell and gained great milage.As we succeded in all our intrday attempts, there are few clients of ours made huge profits beyond 1 lakh.Today once again a memorable day as far as our profits are concerned.We wish many traders should join in our paid scheme and make great wealth.We are there to provide tips both intraday as well as positional Banknifty future.
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