The begining of this month the market was in choppy trade and no charm...every day it will get into two narrow walls between supports and resistances and we try hard to gain 160+ points...but unable to cross 100 points.But today we made it and gained nearly 160 points up to now , apart from our positional short yesterday in 9540+levels.
During the 'V' shape recovery it self we sold and bought in 4 times and gained approx 30 points in each trade.we have also covered 50% of our yesterday shorts in 9434.00 that order was placed well before when the market was trading in 9540 levels...
Important point here to note is all these trade we have done without any stop loss.
We carry a position in nifty right from march 24th onwards and today our gain would be 1000 points. Not booked profits yet.
We strictly fallowed and fallowing the 'SAR' Method...Apply none other>no logic/market rumours,sentiments nothing interrupt us...many times we were in 200-300 points loss but fallowed and trusted one technique for a research purpose and gave a tips for only one institution and that proved 100% success.But it requires surplus margin...there were few times we had never done any trade in 20 days gap...expect carring the existing positions..
Our understanding now is, the index future...any index in the world 'is the best' for Doubling /Multiplying our investments.The best options among the rest is this.This is what our observation is.This will mostly suitable for Financial Instututions.
Glad to share this unto all my friends.
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