Yesterday, we wrote where the market leading us to...?
Today it is confirmed further down.We gave pre-market alert that market will open in gap down and sell wherever it may open and do not go long in banknifty.We sold in 8990.00level and covered in 8910 level without stoploss...again we sold in 970 level and covered at 8846.00like wise we have done 4-trades that too without SL..we also hold our positional sell partially.In today intrday alone many of our clients made more than 1lakh profit.(all these happened in before 2.30pm)
As on today we have gained more than '1800+ points profits' in Banknifty future may month contract alone.
Assume that > A small trader who does only 50 nos in banknifty have easily made 50X1800=Rs.90,000/-this month with the capital of 1lakh.What a gain.This is what our success is.We have turned and used all opportunity to our favour .This month witnessed more volatality due to global cue's and we really sailed well in this tidal wave and reached shore safely with basket's full of fish.
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