30.04.2010 That is Today Onwards
This Page is Devoted for Intra-Day Free Tips for Bank Nifty Future.It will be updated mainly now and then during market hours for our friends.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Quote from - Warren Buffett
"The best protection against inflation is your own earning power. If you are the best teacher, you will command earning power and get your share of the national economic pie, regardless of the value of the currency. The second best investment is in a good company."
- Warren Buffett
- Warren Buffett
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
What is going on...

Yesterday we wrote about the market..The ship is about to sink!! (The previous post down to this post). Today market was opened in gap down.No one could arrest like yesterday.We gave a pre-market view before the market opening.. we gave a tips market open in gapdown around 9670.00 level and asked to cover short that we have sold yesterday.Same thing happened though market opening was bit above, but traded exactly in 70 level and we just covered it.Not only that we also said..the closing will be down.( See the above intraday graph)
When the market was traded in 9690.00 we gave a sell call without stop loss and afterwards it came down to 9660.00level we have not covered it,hence we have place buy order in 9580.00level. Banknifty went up slowely and during the afternoon it gone to 9730+ levels..it was a real threat to all our clients..as if it will go to 9800+level..Tested so much and made our clients to sweat..Still they had so much faith in us and patiently waited till the closing as per our pre-market tips.it came down to 9615.00level many covered in 9625 and few others covered in 9640.00level.Any how there is more pain and more gain.
What will be the market tomorrow??
i will leave today the ball in your court...Give me your feedbacks in comments..Let me learn something out of it.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Why Such A Choppiness Today?

The market today was very choppy the nifty almost trades between 20 points and the bank nifty traded in 30 points..The Banknifty went upto 9818.00 and came down from that level and it was actually traded longer time between 9770 -90 level and during the after noon it was stand still in 9770-80 level and slowely came down to 9750.00 that was the day low.we went short in 9794 and covered in 9766 level and the 2nd time we sold at 9777 level and kept stop loss at 9784.00 after wards the banknifty traded thrice in 9783.00 but our SL was not triggered...Just in 1 points we escaped and covered our short during closing near days low.
The banknifty was caged between the range of 9740.00 to 9820.00 and the day trade has no charm..it was very choppy.Why this choppiness?
The ship may going to sing in a deep water??.The 9740.00 seems to be a critical support now and if this level is broken by any chance tomorrow by a gap down opening...a deep correction is possible in banknifty.Let us wait for the opening.Nifty has a strong hold at 5305.00level today and somehow the market down fall was arrested today.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Will Bank Nifty future Touch 10,000 Mark?

Last friday onwards the market was pushed forward by the indian banks(The Components of banknifty) from 9700.00 level to 9824.00 a non-stop rally that Begin from the low of 9220.00level.Today Market opened gap up around 9851.00 level and went upto the day high 9891.00.So another 100+ points is not a big deal for banknifty and banknifty will attain the 10,000 mark may be tomorrow as per today closing.
Friday we went a short at 9770 level and there were no signals of market coming down...instead it shoot up...we instantly made a decision to go long in next month and today we closed our long at 9885.00 level and covered and sold thrice and over all about 200 points gained from friday closing to todays closing.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
What drives the market?

The Market is actully driven not just by the Technical/traders ...The sentiments and rumours are very much vital and that many time changes the direction of the ongoing market..The Statebank is going to merge all its associate companies.This is what the actual news came out and that drove the whole scenario of the market.
Today morning opening onwards, the market was struggulling to move up...in 9540.00 level and certainly it shoot up to 9600 + levels and there on to the day peak of 9736.00.The day low was 9500.00.(Low to high is > 236 points).
..I don't know how many traders were caught in the hold of the devil and lost huge money today !!...i feel really sorry for them. i am sure many would have...During the closing why the market fell from the peak 9710.00 to 9560.00 level ...that too it happened less than 20 minutes..? What kind of weakness is seen certainly in the market?
As i used to say,...as if some one who holds the consoles of the market and push the button here and there as per the mood or whatever..and the market instantly raise upto 200 +points and fall down to 200- points..No logic is'n it ? ..This is what the spirit of the ultimate gambling.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Banknifty Future Intraday Update

Almost everyday we have been sharing all our trades with our readers and most of the trades we do is a success storey...Each day we face the market with a new approach..like how an infant wonder whatever it may encounter..We do the same and approcah the market with a blank slate of mind.So that we can really check and update each and every ongoing pulse or trend of the market.That is what the secret behind all our success's, almost in all trades we may attempt .
Today the intraday sentiments of the mass's are uptrend. but we just think different (Alternative thinking) and waiting for a short at high and succeded in our two attempts.One is at the day high and covered just now at 9508.00.The most important thing here is we did'nt offer SL..'Both the trades were done without stoploss'..and we waited patiantly almost more than 2 hours..without blinking our eyes and we have finally achived our desired Target.All our clients are happy.
No positions on hand...Waiting for a fresh Position like a crane who wait to catch fish on the running water.!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Day was a boon for many of our positional trader

Hi friends and fellow traders..
Today was a day of significance ' as far as our positional traders are concerned'....
Apart from intraday we do give tips for positional banknifty future-as an bonus for all our paid clients.We had a short on hand and last friday we were worried,.. certaintly the market shoot up and we felt we missed the chance,though technically we are right.The friday late news came out in the media about 'Golman' Sue's and the world market were instantly over reacted and were traded in read. After hering the news we were glad the world cue's are turned to our favour.That gave us lot of hope.
Today, before the market opening itself, we asked all our positional traders to place buy order at 9203.00level and it did'nt work and we had a chance to cover our short between 9220-40 level.Many of our clients are overwhelmed with joy.i like to give one of the clients mail here-
Mail from my inbox
Hello sir,
Thanks for the e-mail regarding bank nifty update.
Thanks for the care & all the support and in single positional short entry we will be making more than 15K what a great feeling….thanks
Osho Quotes:
"All the Buddha’s of all the ages have been telling you a very simple fact: Be -- don't try to become. Within these two words, be and becoming, your whole life is contained. Being is enlightenment, becoming is ignorance."
"If you wish to see the truth, then hold no opinion for or against."
Friday, April 16, 2010
We were caught in between the hell and deep sea...At last,We escaped with profits

As the title of this post indicates that we were caught in an un-comfortable situation today.
"We were caught in between the hell and deep sea"... at last we could hold our breath for a while and find a way out to slip out from the hold of the hell with the learned wisdom by our years of experience. One can not see from the sea top, what is there under the deep sea.We have to dive and explore under the sea to see things clearly.
The last few days the banknifty future were trading in red and every one out there in the market were selling at every peaks..and we were one among the crowd.The over all market is in correction mode and everone was selling,selling only..Due to the selling pressure the compression was so much and that was exploded like an artician and spill to the roof, that was unexpected by many.
The last few days the banknifty future were trading in red and every one out there in the market were selling at every peaks..and we were one among the crowd.The over all market is in correction mode and everone was selling,selling only..Due to the selling pressure the compression was so much and that was exploded like an artician and spill to the roof, that was unexpected by many.
Today the market slides down from its opening to the low from 9330 level to 9270 level and surged to 9300+ level. We went short in 9320.00 level without any stop loss and hoped it will slide to the lower levels after wards.We were very much confident that, the market will fall and all technicals were in our favour during that time...But the market went against our wishes from 9320 level to 9378,9400 and at last it went to 9428.00 that was the day high.Imagine the situation almost 100+ points we were in minus(Loss) and all our clients were really supported us..They used to trades in 10 to 30 lots.Few clients were started asking shall we book the loss ??..We had no words to say..The market jumped up against the on going trend...So,'We were caught in between the hell and deep sea'.There seems to be no way out for the traders except booking loss..which is very heavy to bear.
.What one can do at this situation?
As an experienced Technical Analyst we were very cool , and tackled the situation very wisely.The market in our perception is :- 'A simple arithmatic problem to be solved..we see things in terms of Numbers..not as money.'
We sold at 9422 and covered the same at 9370 level again sold at 9406 and covered at 9380 ...like wise, we have done more than 6 trade and raised our selling average. At last we covered the short in 9345.00 level during the end of the market.
The overall trades that made us to make 180+ points, As a net profit (including the loss and brokerage) Many of our clients who were in loss about 100 points made profits at the end.Few of our clients made a profits of more than one lakh rupees.
Being a trader?
if, we would have been a trader in this above situation...what would have we done today?
As a trader the total perception is different from a TA. They see things in terms of money.if one would have gone short and market went up aginst 100 points means -> 500 (10Lots) X 100 = Rs.50,000/- as a loss.The mind of the trader will refuse to think..the clarity will be gone/ fade away due to the fear of (Notional)loss..it simply funk.One can not find a way out!!.The whole being and the psychology that changes instantly.A kind of irritation comes in.
.Here where the 'Technical Analyst' play an vital role.
The technical analyst see things in numbers, not as money. The simple arithmatics that works..whenever there is an opportunity available for an averaging he/she will take the full advantage of the market and get along with the trend and sail the ship even in a 'heavy strom' by just making (Adjusting the wind shield) few perceptional changes in attitude and adjust or accept things as it is , and swim along with the flow (Not Against it).One can win only if they, can accept,absorb and adjust themself's to get along with the flow.Thats what we have done today.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
We are Rocking...Banknifty is in our favour

Since,yesterday there were many people in orkut and yahoo chat were asking what will be the market tomorrow(i.e, today 15th) and we gave a pre-instruction that market will be down....'If you see the opening above 9500.00 level just go short and no need to maintain any stoploss and the moment you sold it place a buy order at 9466.00 ' and exactly it happened after a little tussle in 9500 range.
Many people ( including Non-Clients) are in profit. A jacpot day for many..of our day traders.When again it touched and crossed 9471.00 level we asked all to buy and place a sell order at 9496.00 and it just clicked within few minutes.Now we have no positions on hand...Wish you a happy hunting.
Around 2.20pm we asked all our paid subscribers to go short in 9456.00 level and we had some network connection problem and asked to book profit in shorts and when we solved our network problem market fell deep down to 9350.00 level.We have predicted the market so well and still due to network problem we were covered our shorts too early.We have missed an addition of 100 points.
Today the market> day high was-9575.25 and the day low was 9330.80.The difference between high to low is 245 points.
We gave a positional sell call from 9760.00 level on wards and a few clients are still holding the positional shorts.Now the notional profit is around 400 points in a weeks time.
Become our paid subsriber and create wealth on your own.The monthly subscribtion is just Rs.5000.00/month only.To Learn more about our paid subscription visit here>>
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Trading Rules That Work

-Always live to fight another day
-Entries must have a statistical edge
-Patience and discipline
-Be a jellyfish (swim with the current)
-Trade only liquid securities
-Focus on trying to capture the middle 80% of a move
-Know your exit points when you open a position(and stick to them)
-When in doubt, reduce position size by 50%
-Limit losses to 2% of total equity for any single trade
-Start each day with a clean financial and emotional slate
-Entries must have a statistical edge
-Patience and discipline
-Be a jellyfish (swim with the current)
-Trade only liquid securities
-Focus on trying to capture the middle 80% of a move
-Know your exit points when you open a position(and stick to them)
-When in doubt, reduce position size by 50%
-Limit losses to 2% of total equity for any single trade
-Start each day with a clean financial and emotional slate
Friday, April 9, 2010
Bank nifty Intraday tips

Hi all,Today was Another Successful or fruitful day for us.We have done almost 6 trades and only one stoploss was hit about 10 points and overall we made 185+ points in intraday itself.
The swing between '9694 to 9660' level was great it gave a multiple choices for trading and we have used the minimum(out of 9 chances) and we gained more mileage from a long i.e- Bought @9562.00 and exited in 9665.00 about 103 points in one stroke..
Our people made good money about a lakh and add.Even a small traders who trades only one lot/intraday made about Rs.9000.00.Awesome is'nt it?
We expect you to join in our paid group and enjoy the fruits...visit here for more information - http://bankniftyfuture.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Yet Again - The Over Confidence That paid Huge money Today For Our Paid Clients

If you Look at our previous post (just before this one..Down), i wrote over confidence that made a 100+ points loss in profit.This is just against that one.. I am a contrarian.
'Dualism' is part and parcell of life. 'The Darkness only enhance the Light'. Hapiness and Sorrow,Good and Bad..and Profit or Loss!!. All these are the complements of one another..Too much Philosphy is not required here.Let me come to the point straight - " On the Other day the over confidence that paid a profit loss of 100+ points ; Today the same over confidence that paid a profit of around 100 + points.
Morning the 10 minutes after the market opening, we asked all our clients to sell bank nifty around 9760 and Gave a instruction not to maintain any "STOP LOSS", if we keep stoploss that will be hit within no time. It is right. After we sold it went up to 9787.00 and all our clients were in panic and started asking, give us stoploss.But we did'nt give.Instead we asked them to sell at high again around 9780.00 level(No 'SL' ). As usual the market threaten us to the extend and tested all our patience..Not only that all the indicators were Signal green and we never bothered to consider the signals. since we have done a through macro study before and over'ly confident, that the market will come down at the end.The same message were distrubuted to all clients before market opening itself.
While market was traded around 9740 we asked our clients to decide weather they can book profit now or latter as we instructed them it will fall further and breaks day low. The market fell deeply then we predicted.we have covered our short@9690 level and many other clients of ours covered at 9660 level. At last the day high is-9787 and day low is-9641.(146 points from low to high)
So Today,our over confidence that paid much to all our clients.There are few clients,who made more than Rs.1,50,000/-in intraday.(10+10-Lots).They are the real gamblers and won the match.Any how we are glad now.
What will be the status of market tomorrow ? That question gone already in.Let us work for it.Today excitement is just got over after sharing this.
Visit our site to know more about paid tips>>
Monday, April 5, 2010
How Much One Know things are Not Important; How one Apply Knowledge into Action For Success is Very Important

The past few days we were anlysing market.(pre-study) The various data has been analysed that includes the 12 banks-the components of banknifty. Today morning ,we gave a pre-market opening call to all our paid clients that the market is going to open in gap up and claim up to the new high at the end.(Banknifty).That become true today.But we have seen small whip saw's here and there and gave a sell call in between..and we succeded in one(Gained 40 points) and failed in one(loss of 15 points).Why we have done against our prediction? Many traders were in utter confussion about the direction of the market,but we have predicted accurately and applied our knowledge wrongly.That was happen today.
While the market was coming down we predicted the market is going to bounce back to the new high about 100+ points.When banknifty was in 9600 level we asked all our clients to place buy order at 9555.00 Level and it did'nt happen...Since the market was down upto 9590.00 level and bounced up to 9698.00 Level.We just missed out 100 points profits in one stroke...This is what called , the application error.it is a kind of over-confidence about our prediction and we expected the market will fallow us!! How funny it was..The market today thought us one more lesson that:-
."How much you know is not important;but how,When and where you need to apply your skill in action for success is more important."
This is what Sri krishna say's in Bhavat Geetha "Skill In Action" in karma yoga chapter.
After all we all are also a learner and the learning never ends.The whole of human life is not enough..Right from birth to death the learning happens.Who know's even the beyond one may continue..Learning.
.Why am i sharing this with my readers?
..because sharing is also caring,any one who may happen to read this can afford to learn a leasson without paying in actual trading..if one trades and loose money is bad...So,it is better to learn before venturing into action.We have learned so much after loosing lots of money and now we have come up with that lessons learned by experience.May be today the level of our accuracy in prediction is gone up because of that learning.
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