Today due to the budget volatality ...Inspite of market eratic swing today, we made 341 points gain in intraday banknifty future..
i.e means >> 50X341 = Rs.17,050 gain we made for all our clients.There are few positional traders made more than 580 points today trade itself.
'We have learned the leasson how to sail smooth and catch basket full of fish in a wild strom too.'
Today opening we sold and gained 47 points and when it reached 371 we cover all short in hand also bought near 410 fresh longs and exited soon..But in no time the banknifty rose to 600,700 and touched a days high of 10799.45 we sold near 10725 and it fell down to 610 short while and covered it..likewise we made 6 intrday trades and made 341 points gain.There are few waited and covered short in 417 that was sold in 725 level .We attempt few positional traded and when we had a chance for 300+ points we covered and agin sold and covered made 580+ points..yet the market were exceeded our expectation and fell down.Any way all our clients are full of excitement to see such a profit in intraday.Many admitted to us,Today is the day-they made huge gain in intraday.
The Banknifty fell down from 10650 to 371 and made a low and again went up to 10800 level and fell back to square one 10400 level.The Nifty too done the same hike and fall and that shows the budget could'nt lift the index even in one day.So, we are expecting further fall in our market as per technicals.So avoid long as of Now.
The FEB -month we made more than 1000 points in intraday and positional about 1600 points.One of our milestone that happened/done in FEB-2011
View the chart above both intraday and 5 days are there.Its unusual swing after a long time in intraday